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Building Families with Love

Growing a Family Through Surrogacy.

Family is often considered the cornerstone of many people’s lives. For some, the journey to creating a family can be filled with unexpected challenges. In this interview, we sit down with a remarkable woman who has helped bring joy and love to families through surrogacy as a surrogate, and an intended mother who has dreamt of becoming a mother her whole life. We learn how they built a family with love through surrogacy.

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us today. Can you start by sharing what family means to you?

Intended Mother: To me, family is everything. It’s what I wake up to and go to sleep with. It fills my thoughts throughout the day. It’s fun, it’s happy, it’s everything. From a young age, I’ve always dreamed of being a mom. However, due to health reasons, traditional methods of conception were not an option for me.

Interviewer: Can you tell us a bit about your health condition and how it impacted your journey to motherhood?

Intended Mother: I have a health condition called Neurofibromatosis, which causes non-cancerous tumors to form on nerves throughout the body. These tumors, among other things, made it impossible for me to conceive or carry a baby. This realization led my partner and me to explore alternative paths to parenthood.

Interviewer: How did you become involved in surrogacy?

Intended Mother: After exploring our options, my partner and I decided that surrogacy was the best path for us. So, we looked into surrogacy, eventually finding a match with an incredible agency,  All Families Surrogacy

Interviewer: What was the matching process like, and how did you feel when you found the right match?

Surrogate: The matching process involved reviewing profiles of intended parents and having conversations to see if we were a good fit. When I read B and C’s profile, I was moved by their story and knew I wanted to help them. Our initial conversations felt natural, and I could tell they genuinely cared about creating a family.

Interviewer: Can you share some of the most rewarding aspects of being a surrogate?

Surrogate: The most rewarding part of being a surrogate is undoubtedly helping create families that wouldn’t exist without me. Witnessing the joy on the faces of the intended parents when they hold their baby for the first time is priceless. Knowing that I played a role in making that moment possible is incredibly fulfilling.

Interviewer: What do you hope people understand about the surrogacy journey?

Surrogate: I hope people understand that surrogacy is a deeply personal and emotional journey for everyone involved. It’s about love, compassion, and the desire to create families. It’s not always easy, but the end result – seeing families come together – makes it all worth it.

Surrogacy is a journey filled with love, sacrifice, and the desire to create families. Through her incredible journey, our interviewee has not only fulfilled her own dream of motherhood, but has also helped others achieve theirs. We’re grateful for her openness in sharing her story and hope it sheds light on the beauty of surrogacy. See more stories on our Youtube channel.

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