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Gestational Surrogacy Costs and Compensation

Creating a family costs money, whether you choose natural conception, gestational surrogacy, fostering, or adoption. And while a family is a priceless thing that cannot be assigned a dollar amount, the reality is that it’s still important to know the costs before you make a big decision like this.

All Families surrogacy is here to provide the answers to all your gestational surrogacy cost questions.

How Much Do Surrogates Make?

One of the most frequently Googled questions in regards to surrogacy is, “How much do surrogates make?”

This question often gives people the idea that gestational carriers are only in it for the money. But in much the same way that a pregnant person didn’t get pregnant for the attention and love they receive while they’re carrying, gestational surrogates have complex and often deeply emotional reasons why they choose this path.

But as we said before, no one can live or thrive without an income. In general, gestational surrogates who choose to partner with us at All Families Surrogacy can expect to make at least $40,000 for carrier fees.

Why Are the Carrier Fees Different?

Total carrier fees vary by situation. The nature of a surrogacy pregnancy is very similar to a personal pregnancy in that some are easier than others, some need different levels and amounts of treatment and medication. All of these factors affect carrier compensation.

But in general, first-time gestational surrogates are paid at a baseline of $40,000, and experienced carriers receive $45,000 in baseline compensation.

After that, compensation can include some or all of the following:

  • $800 transfer fee (for each embryo transfer)
  • Up to $750 for maternity clothes
  • $200 monthly stipend for miscellaneous expenses
  • $5,000 in multiple birth compensation (per additional fetus)
  • $2,500 for Cesarean section
  • $750 for termination or reduction
  • $750 for amniocentesis or other invasive procedures
  • $500 for canceled cycles and mock cycles
  • Lost wages for the gestational carrier and spouse/partner
  • Childcare and housekeeping reimbursement during pregnancy
  • Post-birth recovery bed rest compensation following your pregnancy
  • Doctor ordered bed rest compensation during your pregnancy
  • And more

For a full list of items in the All Families Surrogacy compensation package, click here. Please remember, these are estimates. No two gestational carriers share the same journey, so they likely won’t share the same compensation either. It’s also important to note that gestational carriers are not responsible for any unreimbursed out-of-pocket costs.

Intended Parent Expenses

When it comes to gestational surrogacy costs, the Intended Parent expenses are also based on several variables. The first one depends on which of the two All Families Surrogacy agency programs you choose.

Our first program is the Full Service Program. It is our most popular program because we help you through the processes of finding a surrogate, all the way through the delivery. It gives you and your gestational surrogate the most comprehensive care and support possible for the entirety of your surrogacy journey.

This program has a total estimated predictable cost that ranges from $110,000 to $145,00 and includes the following areas of Intended Parent expenses:

  • Gestational carrier fees: $44,400 – $50,650
  • AFS Agency total fees: $26,000
  • Supplemental Wellness & Family Benefit Package: $1,500 estimated
  • Non-Medical Screening Deposit (per surrogate screened): $3,000 estimated
  • Surrogate Insurance Costs: $8,000 – $22,000
  • Trust Account Management Fee: $1,500 estimated
  • Legal Fees: $6,000 – $13,000 estimated
  • Plus variable expenses and other additional fees like IVF or clinic medical fees, newborn insurance, etc.

You can read more about the details of these Intended parent expenses and surrogacy fees for the Full Service Program here.

The second option is the AFS Case Management Program. This program is for those who come to All Families Surrogacy and already have a gestational carrier chosen. The total estimated costs equal $99,000-$128,000.

Similar fees are included in this plan compared to the Full Service offering:

  • Gestational carrier fees: $44,500 – $49,650
  • AFS Agency total fees: $17,750
  • Supplemental Wellness & Family Benefit Package: $1,500 estimated
  • Non-Medical Screening Deposit (per surrogate screened): $3,000 estimated
  • Surrogate Insurance Costs: $6,000 – $18,000
  • Trust Account Management Fee: $1,500 estimated
  • Legal Fees: $6,000 – $13,000 estimated
  • Plus variable expenses and other additional fees like IVF or clinic medical fees, newborn insurance, etc.

You can read more about the breakdown of Case Management Program fees here.

Interested in Becoming a Carrier or Intended Parent? Talk to AFS Today

More and more families are choosing surrogacy as their route for creating the family they’ve always wanted. Check out the links below if you are interested in becoming a gestational carrier or Intended Parent.

For gestational carriers:

For Intended Parents:

Do you have questions or concerns? Reach out to All Families Surrogacy today at (503) 936-7960 or send us an email: info@allfamiliessurrogacy.com

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If you have questions, need more information, or would like to refer a friend for surrogacy, our team is here to assist you. Please complete the contact form on this page, and one of our dedicated team members will gladly address any inquiries or concerns you may have.

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