1) Please introduce yourselves and your baby.
Tomer (engineer) and Lior (lawyer) ; we live in Tel Aviv, Israel. Our sweet daughter is 7 months old and her name is Gil.

2) How would you describe your surrogacy experience?
The journey is incredible, it has ups and downs but the outcome is worth it all. We met wonderful people who helped us in all sorts of ways, and we’ll be grateful forever.
3) What is the best thing about parenthood?
Watching Gil growing up, becoming a tiny person. Every smile melts our hearts.

4) How is/was your relationship with your surrogate?
We love our surrogate! We consider her and her family part of ours. We Facetime, send pictures and keep in close touch.

5) What would you tell other parents considering surrogacy and working with AFS?
AFS has given us everything we hoped for – knowledge, warm care for our needs, and above all a match with our amazing surrogate. We cannot be thankful enough.