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Your Coordinators: The Heart and Soul Behind the Scenes

Welcome, to a behind-the-scenes peek at the dynamic team who work tirelessly to sprinkle magic and smiles into every step of your journey. Yes, it’s time to pull back the curtain and introduce you to the unique individuals who make up your coordination team! They are the secret sauce in our recipe for success, and the friendly faces you’ll want to chat with at any hour of the day (or night!).

So, grab a cup of your favorite brew, cozy up in your comfiest chair, and get ready to meet the extraordinary individuals who are here to make your journey, a journey of a lifetime.

Tawni B

Becoming a Mother was the greatest transformative moment in my life. My first son was born in 2007, my second son was born in 2011 and eventually, I gave birth to my “cherry on the top” third son in 2018. I don’t take for granted just how lucky I was to be able to grow my family as my husband and I envisioned. Shortly after my second child was born, I was introduced to surrogacy by a friend when it was an option that was presented to her after years of infertility. Once I started exploring surrogacy, I never stopped and I knew it would become my life mission to help other people in this way.

My first surrogacy journey in 2013, didn’t come without mountains to climb but it paved the way for a new career path when I began working at All Families Surrogacy in 2015 doing administrative tasks. My passion for surrogacy never wavered and I grew into my position by learning intake, surrogate coordination, and case coordination and eventually settling into coordination management. My favorite part of surrogacy is watching dreams (that often feel out of reach) become a reality and seeing the disbelief and pure love in every intended parent’s eyes the moment that they meet their child. Supporting surrogates has strengthened my belief in the goodness of humanity and reminded me that kindness is more prevalent than we often think.

My favorite things to do in my free time include making memories with my family and doing anything outside including hiking, camping, walking, swimming, and biking. I enjoy getting lost in a book whenever my schedule allows and watching my boys thrive at any and all sports tend to be one of my favorite weekend activities. Music is a source of comfort and inspiration for me, spanning a wide range of genres. But my deepest passion is my love for animals!! My friends and family often refer to me as “Snow White” due to the truly magical connection I share with animals.

Amber P

My journey into third-party reproduction began so long ago, 19 years, to be more precise, but I still remember it like it was yesterday.  My husband and I had been so blessed. We had two beautiful daughters within 19 months of each other who were healthy and happy. Soon after our second daughter was born, I watched an evening special that discussed a mother who carried her daughter’s child. I felt intrigued immediately and began to research all there was to know about surrogacy. Not as easy a task almost two decades ago. Resources weren’t as readily available and medical science and reproductive law had a long way to go to catch up with one another.

Long before Facebook and Instagram, our main source of information and connection regarding surrogacy was a little internet chat group called Surrogate Mothers Online, SMO, for short. It was here that I met a core group of women who would become lifelong friends and industry colleagues, and also where I met my first set of intended parents. We shared 2 beautiful journeys together that culminated in their two daughters, born 22 months apart. My heart was full, and I continued to work within the-third party reproductive space and have for nearly two decades. I couldn’t imagine a better way to spend my life than helping families grow. 

6 years after delivering my second surro-bub, my family learned it was growing again with the birth of our son, and that birth ignited the fire again to help another. I was blessed to carry for a second set of intended parents and to also be a known egg donor in the years following.

Being a mom to my three children is my life’s greatest accomplishment. They are intelligent, kind, loving, and absolutely hold the key to my heart. My daughters are adults now. The oldest is 21 and entering her first year of medical school (secretly I hope she shares my love of reproductive medicine), my youngest daughter is 19 and entering nursing school, and my son, well, he is an energetic, healthy 11 year old that reminds me to laugh about the silly things in life daily. I am also blessed to have wonderful relationships with my surro-bubs and their parents, even after all these years. Relationships that have shaped and sculpted me in ways I could never have imagined. Beyond that, I have been a behind the scenes assistant in the building and growth of countless families. Truly, is there a better job in the world? I argue that there is not! 

When I am not working, you can find me snuggled up with my family, watching a movie I have probably already seen countless times, spending time at the pool, or planning my next cruise! 

Amber L

Ever since I was a young child I knew that I wanted to be a Mother. The love that my Mom had shown me and my siblings was so special and I couldn’t wait to experience it myself. My own dreams of achieving this life goal came true in 2010 when I had my first son, and again in 2014 when I had my youngest son. I was done having my own babies, but I just didn’t feel like my work was done when it came to building families. I mulled over the idea of being a surrogate and finally jumped at the opportunity in 2020. This beautiful experience left me so fulfilled and never in my wildest dreams did I think that it would lead to a whole career change where I get to help families grow every day! The most wonderful part of surrogacy is seeing the intended parents’ hearts grow as they hold their baby for the first time, while the surrogates gush about how accomplished and full of love that they feel knowing that they helped make this special moment happen.

My favorite thing to do with my family is a fun road trip! I also really enjoy making people laugh, cooking, doing my nails in my free time, and finding new fragrances to add to my perfume collection (I am always open to suggestions *hint hint*). However, most of the time you can catch me snuggled up on my couch watching a show or movie- ESPECIALLY on Saturday movie nights with my kids and husband!

Krystle G

I enjoyed being a surrogate with AFS so much that I knew I wanted to help other women become surrogates right away. Before the end of my first journey, I reached out to see if I could work for AFS. Unfortunately, they said I had to wait until I completed my journey- bummer. However, just a few 18 months later, while I was starting my second journey, I was able to start working as a coordinator with AFS. My favorite part of the process is the matching, pregnancy confirmation, belly shots, Almost Baby Call, and birth, ok I guess all of it!!! But really the moment the IPs see their baby, and hold them for the first time makes me cry every time. It’s why I do what I do. It’s also wonderful to support surrogates who, through surrogacy,  are able to do things for themselves and their family they would not normally be able to do. What I’m looking forward to most with AFS is the Education Program I am developing. It will take my two passions of Surrogacy and Doula support and combine them to enhance everyone’s surrogacy experience.

My favorite things to do in my free time are hiking, mountain biking, and kayaking. I also LOVE to dance and find it the answer to life’s, and parenting, problems.  If I could travel anywhere I would do the Camino De Santiago with my Husband.

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All Families Surrogacy Monogram
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