
Are you and your partner interested in building your family via surrogacy? There are plenty of things to prepare for as intended parents. Locating a reliable agency, establishing a financing plan, making home safety updates for the baby, hiring a trustworthy lawyer, and building a...

There are lots of studies that focus on the relationship between mothers and their children, whether they were conceived naturally, born through surrogacy, or adopted. There hasn’t been as much emphasis on studying child adjustment when raised by a male parent, or two male parents....

Creating a family costs money, whether you choose natural conception, gestational surrogacy, fostering, or adoption. And while a family is a priceless thing that cannot be assigned a dollar amount, the reality is that it’s still important to know the costs before you make a...

The University of Cambridge recently published a study called, “Love and Truth: What Really Matters for Children Born Through Third-Party Assisted Reproduction.” It compared the parent-child relationship between families created through assisted reproduction (like IVF and surrogacy) and families started with unassisted reproduction. It’s natural...

Starting a surrogacy journey – whether you are an Intended Parent or a gestational carrier – is a huge undertaking. You will have lots of new experiences that are often atypical when compared to natural conception and even traditional surrogacy. Since the journey (and the...

To help you on your journey as a potential gestational carrier, here are some answers to the most popular surrogacy questions you were afraid to ask. How Long Does Surrogacy Take? Every surrogacy journey is unique, but most surrogates spend around 1.5 to 2 years...

One of the biggest challenges that intended parents will face on their surrogacy journey is letting go of control and trusting in the journey. While some people are naturally inclined to trust and relax into the process, it is far more common for intended parents...

Surrogacy is a very intimate process, for both the surrogate and the Intended Parents. It’s a big step in creating the family you’ve always wanted, so it’s understandable that you’d want to know all the details, even the ones that are hard to find. To...

1) Please introduce yourselves and your babies. 请介绍下你们以及你们的宝宝们。 We are a gay couple, together since 2011, living in Shanghai. After 5 years together, we thought something is missing and then it came to realization that we wanted to started a BIGGER family, despites all the...

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